US Strategy towards Iran

Joseph M. Humire

Executive Director

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US Strategy towards Iran

Joseph Humire joins VOA, once more, to discuss the Iran nuclear deal.

Among its errors are:

  1. Inspectors are not allowed onto Iran’s military bases.
  2. Iran has failed to give a reason for needing an intercontinental ballistic missile.

When asked which country poses a bigger threat to the US, Iran or North Korea, Humire responded that even though North Korea has more advanced weapons, Iran still represents a bigger threat due to their revolutionary ideology built on conquering the world.

Watch the full interview (in Spanish), here.

Joseph Humire habla con VOA, una vez más, sobre el acuerdo nuclear con Irán.

Sus errores incluidos son:

  1. Irán no permite inspectores en sus bases militares.
  2. Irán no explica por que quiere un misil balística intercontinental.

Humire reflexionó sobre las capacidades militares del Korea del Norte y Irán y aunque el más avanzado es Korea del Norte, Irán representa más peligro por su ideología revolucionaria que está basado en la conquista del mundo.

Ve la entrevista completa, aquí.