Transnational terrorism in Latin America?

Joseph M. Humire

Executive Director

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Transnational terrorism in Latin America?

Joseph Humire joins VOA Noticias to discuss transnational crime in Latin America. He notes that a challenge for the region will be to create and enforce new laws that combat this international crime, as laws in Latin America to combat terrorism are almost all formatted for a domestic threat, like FARC in Colombia.

Are Latin American governments making the changes in designation in their law?

Watch the video (in Spanish), here.

Joseph Humire habla con VOA Noticias sobre crimen transnacional en América Latina. Él discute un gran reto que enfrenta la región: leyes que combatir terrorismo internacional. Dice que “los leyes mayormente están designados por amenazas de terrorismo interior, o nacional, como la FARC en Colombia.

Están cambiando la ley los gobiernos latinoamericanos?

Ve el video completo, aquí.