General Fan Visits Havana
After concluding a five day visit to the United States, Gen. Fan Changlong, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, flew directly to Havana, Cuba, the first Chinese official of such high rank to travel to the i
Continue readingCan basketball history justify fear in Baltics?
While folks in Congress experience bittersweet moments as their home state and alumni college basketball teams rise and fall, brackets are busted, and office pool champs are crowned, when it’s all over, most still equa
Continue readingAmerica’s Time for Atonement
Tense relations between the White House and Congress aren’t unusual, and certainly not new. Yet over the past month they’ve hit lows not seen since President Clinton’s impeachment trial. Are co
Continue readingIsrael key to disarming Iran
They call it the problem from hell. What to do about Iran and its nuclear ambitions? The stakes are incredibly high, and frankly, there are no good options. For almost a decade, and against demands from the United Natio
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Joseph Humire: Losing Argentina – Outlook for U.S. National Security
SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire presented "Losing Argentina- Outlook for U.S. National Security" at the Center for Security Policy's National Security Group Lunch on Capitol Hill on Thursday, February 19, 2015
Continue readingUkraine Can’t Prosper While It’s Still Corrupt
My recent visits to Ukraine, other countries formerly in the Soviet sphere, and their neighbors have convinced me that Kiev presides over a nation in terrible shape, at least compared to its former comrades. Infrastruct
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Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas
The case of Venezuelan political leader Leopoldo López, in jail without a sentence since February 18, 2014, seems so clear, that the inability to secure his release, is a testimony to the sad state of democracy in sever
Continue readingGORDON: America goes to war and the military gets the axe
Now that America has gone to war in Syria and Iraq, adding to the 13-year war in Afghanistan, our warfighters need the right tools to get the job done. President Obama is right to strike radical Islam-inspired terror gr
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