As China’s Military Power Grows, Potential Conflicts Arise
It was once argued that China had opted to emphasize economic growth rather than military capacity. The goals of China’s military modernization were (a) to respond to a declaration of independence by Taiwan, and (b) t
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Sobre democracia y seguridad ciudadana
La razón esencial del Estado: la seguridad de los ciudadanos La democracia requiere un sistema de contrapesos, controles y balances para su subsistencia y desarrollo. Por eso es que todas las democracias sólidas del m
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Siria en Latinoamérica
Una amenaza muy seria a la seguridad democrática regional En medio del desastre causado por la falta de prevención ante la recurrencia del fenómeno de El Niño, una amenaza mayor se cierne sobre el Perú y toda la re
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Issues and Opportunities in the Western Hemisphere
Joseph Humire testifies in a hearing by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere on the “Issues and Opportunities in the Western Hemisphere” held on Tuesday, February 18, 2017, a
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Op-Ed: Can North Korea Launch Pearl Harbor II?
Within hours of the 9/11 attacks, I joined my fellow Sailors hunkered down at Pacific Fleet Headquarters in Pearl Harbor where we helped coordinate the defense of Hawaii and the West Coast. As dozens of ships left port t
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Russia in Our Blind Spot: Using Intelligence Networks in South America to Infiltrate the United States
January 2017 • Issue 2 Russia, like the Soviet Union before it, is a source of expansion and aggression in Crimea, Ukraine, the Baltic states, Syria, and in cyberspace. These are regrettably only the visible si
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NATO admission must never be free
Our military knows “freedom isn’t free.” Just ask any service member or veteran. Millions have served overseas, defending the freedom of our allies as well. Too many never returned. So while NATO expansion is gene
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Most Canadians are now familiar with the ongoing civil war in Syria. We’ve all seen the propaganda campaign produced by the terrorist group known as the Islamic State, who uses social media to broadcast their barbaric
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