16 years later, ‘Paz Para Vieques’ still teaches powerful lesson

Sunday, April 19th marks the 16th anniversary of the training accident that sparked our Navy’s worst defeat since Pearl Harbor. Soaring over the eastern tip of Vieques Island, off Puerto Rico’s coast, a Marine Corps

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Opinion: Nisman’s death raises alarm about Iran’s influence in Latin America

"I can end up dead because of this" were the words of the late Alberto Nisman, Argentina's top prosecutor in the historic AMIA case. Tragically, his words became prophetic when he was found slain in the bathroom of his

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Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America

Joseph Humire discussed the book he edited entitled "Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America" at The Institute of World Politics on November 5, 2014.

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Russian Missiles Positioned In Caracas Are Ominous Sign Repression Will Worsen

Three U.S. diplomats, the Panamanian mission, and even CNN Español, have recently been expelled from Venezuela under the pretext of “foreign intervention” in the Bolivarian Republic. Straight from the playbook of th

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The Fall of Moammar Qadaffi Should Serve as a Lesson for Latin American Dictators

Moammar Qaddafi’s reign in Libya is no more. The colorful, brutal persona, often more a caricature than real life, has at long last been exited—but there will be no mourning the day after. Crowds will not meet and

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