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VRIC Monitor

VRIC MONITOR No. 07 | VRIC alliance strengthens in wake of the Non-Aligned Summit in Azerbaijan

VRIC MONITOR No. 07 | VRIC alliance strengthens in wake of the Non-Aligned Summit in Azerbaijan

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from SFS tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. Read this month's issue on increased VRIC engagement, starting with the Non-Aligned Summit in Azerbaijan.

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VRIC MONITOR No. 06: July & August 2019

VRIC MONITOR No. 06: July & August 2019

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from SFS tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. Read this month's issue on the convergence of China, Russia, and Iran in the Western Hemisphere.

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VRIC MONITOR No. 05: June 2019

VRIC MONITOR No. 05: June 2019

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from SFS tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. Read this month's issue on Russia's oil support to Venezuela and China's push for 5G in Latin America.

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VRIC MONITOR No. 04: May 2019

VRIC MONITOR No. 04: May 2019

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from SFS tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. Read this month's issue on Russia's increasing presence in Venezuela to support the Maduro regime.

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VRIC MONITOR No. 03: April 2019

VRIC MONITOR No. 03: April 2019

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from SFS tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. Read this month's issue on Turkey and Qatar's engagement with Latin America.

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VRIC MONITOR No. 02: March 2019

VRIC MONITOR No. 02: March 2019

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from SFS tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. Read this month's issue on the battle over humanitarian aid to Venezuela.

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VRIC MONITOR No. 01: February 2019

VRIC MONITOR No. 01: February 2019

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from SFS tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. Read this month's issue on the increasing tension in Venezuela, as Maduro begins his second, illegitimate term.

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