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Opinion Editorials

On Gitmo’s Tenth Anniversary, Obama Should at Least Thank the Troops

Several dozen of brothers-in-arms captured in Afghanistan and Pakistan arrived at U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay.

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Five ways Obama weakened National Security in 2011

So 2011 has come and gone – yet another bleak chapter in our national security outlook under President Obama.

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Are Iran’s Terrorists Finding a Safe Haven in Latin America?

For some, the news that Iranian linked operatives came close to perpetrating another terrorist attack in this hemisphere came as a shock.

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The Fall of Moammar Qadaffi Should Serve as a Lesson for Latin American Dictators

Moammar Qaddafi’s reign in Libya is no more.

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Is a Security Tax a Good Investment for the Central American Private Sector?

A little over a month ago the Central American Integration System held a conference in Guatemala focused on regional security.

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