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Opinion Editorials

Putin skips the G8 summit — it’s time to re-set our relationship with Russia

The Russian “re-set button” that was grandly announced by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton in 2009 was a unilateral gesture — and thus it’s no surprise the Bear is still smiling.

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Obama finally gets serious about bringing KSM to justice

President Obama’s whirlwind campaign stop in Afghanistan this week, exactly a year after Osama Bin Laden’s death.

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Obama’s bipolar approach to terrorism

Much of the criticism directed at Mr. Obama this week has rightly pertained to overtly politicizing bin Laden’s demise at the hands of Navy SEALs.

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Holder still meddling in military commissions

Now is a good time to ask why Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is still involved extensively in a presumably military function.

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9/11 suspects on hunger strike at Gitmo — Oh the Humanity!

So went the famous phrase shouted by Chicago’s WLS Radio announcer Herb Morrison as he witnessed the Hindenburg crash and burn in Lakehurst, N.J. on May 6, 1937.

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New Guantanamo soccer field shows Obama’s priorities in action

The Obama administration has curiously managed to spend $750,000 in taxpayer funds on a year-long construction project for a detainee soccer field at Gitmo.

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Iran’s Informal Ambassadors to Latin America

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in India and Georgia, the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has pointed the finger at Iran.

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Obama’s Deadly New PR Firm

The dramatic rescue of an American aid worker and her Danish colleague in Somalia by Navy commandos was a terrific encore to the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan nine months ago

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