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Opinion Editorials

5 Ways to Invest in Venezuelan Freedom

Latin America is seldom in the U.S. news these days.

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What to do to promote relief in Egypt

As Egypt continues its tumultuous transition to democracy two years after the Arab Spring swept strongman President Hosni Mubarak from power, Washington must weigh its next moves carefully.

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The Terrorist Threat Canada Needs to Take Seriously

There may have been alternative methods for dealing with concern over Iran’s activity in Canada, such as downsizing their presence as opposed to prohibiting it.

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Egypt will set course for Middle East

Americans must take a step above the fray and look at Egypt and beyond from a broader, strategic level.

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11 years after 9/11 why are we still fighting the last war to keep America safe?

As we mark the 11th anniversary of September 11 terrorist attacks on America, we’re undoubtedly safer to flying on a plane – but that’s just about it.

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Iranian Weapons on America’s Doorstep

While many of the world’s leaders traveled to a Mexican seaside resort in Los Cabos for the annual Group of 20.

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Five signs Obama is losing Latin America

While President Obama made headlines for downplaying the threat posed by Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez to national security, such naive remarks should hardly come as a surprise given his track record.

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Top 5 changes at the Pentagon under Obama

Commonly heard frustration from his liberal base that his popular 2008 campaign slogan “hope and change” hasn’t amounted to much.

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