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Opinion Editorials

Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

In the years after a brutal 10-year Soviet occupation, Afghanistan became a petri dish in which a culture of organized crime, radical politics and religious fundamentalism festered—and where Osama Bin Laden set up operations.

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Is Iran Killing the U.S. With Kindness?

Obama shouldn’t be fooled by the Iranian president’s charm offensive.

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Freedom Is Not Free: How Should Think Tanks Address The National Security Question?

The unhindered movement of money, goods and people are essential aspects of economic freedom.

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Good Money After Bad

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro recently returned from Beijing with a $5 billion line of credit from the China Development Bank (CDB).

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Is the China-Latin American Fiesta Over?

The recent deceleration in China’s economic growth rate has sent waves of speculation among many commentators. 

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Bradley Manning’s Sentence Fits the Crime

Bradley Manning’s Sentence Fits the Crime

His trial at Ft. Meade, Md., has showcased 21st century warfare in action.

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Egypt’s missing marker: Economic freedom

Much has been written about the Muslim Brotherhood’s disastrous influence in Egypt and the Obama administration’s unwise foreign-policy decisions throughout the Arab Spring.

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Crackdown on Afro-Cubans destroys myth of racial equality

At the time of Fidel Castro’s takeover of Cuba in 1959, “separate but equal” was the norm in much of the Western world.

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