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Opinion Editorials

Student Dies in Crackdown on Venezuela Opposition

Bassil Alejandro Da Costa left a message for his mother informing her he would be participating in a nationwide student protest for liberty in Caracas, Venezuela.

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Russia, China set sights on Arctic riches

While the Polar Vortex and Sochi Olympics may have dominated world headlines this winter, both are relatively minor in size and scope when compared to an evolving geo-political crisis also featuring freezing temps and international competition.

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Showdown in Sochi: The Threat of Terrorism

Nearly seven years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin successfully won the bid to host this week’s Winter Olympics in Sochi.

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China Comes to the Caribbean

Since China’s emergence on the global scene the pursuit of its strategic goals has led to speculation, especially concerning how and why it exercises its growing financial and economic power.

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The Trend of Chinese Investments in Latin America and the Caribbean

Recently Roberta Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, declared that the U.S. does “not in any way see China as a threat.”

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Joseph Humire on What’s at stake for Central America

Joseph Humire speaks at the Heritage Foundation about insecurity in Honduras and upcoming elections.

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Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

In the years after a brutal 10-year Soviet occupation, Afghanistan became a petri dish in which a culture of organized crime, radical politics and religious fundamentalism festered—and where Osama Bin Laden set up operations.

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Freedom Is Not Free: How Should Think Tanks Address The National Security Question?

The unhindered movement of money, goods and people are essential aspects of economic freedom.

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