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Opinion Editorials

Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Joseph Humire es Director del Center for a Secure Free Society de Washington DC, consultado por Fabiana Suárez, de radio Fisherton CNN.

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The “New Normal” in Cuba, U.S. and China Relations

President Obama announced plans to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, ending over fifty years of official non-recognition.

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Sound economics for a stronger defense

In times of intense budgetary pressure, the tagline for the new 114th U.S. Congress should be “do more, with less.”

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The reasons why Guantanamo is so expensive

One might think that holding detainees at Guantanamo Bay is what’s bankrupting America.

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Despite horrors of Paris, Obama continues to free terror suspects from Guantanamo

While 40 world leaders marched in Paris to show solidarity against terrorist attacks, Obama not only skipped the event, he remains determined to free as many Al Qaeda, Taliban and affiliated jihadists from Guantanamo as possible.

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As Venezuela sinks, Ecuador rises as chief anti-Yankee antagonist

While Venezuela sinks as the oil market bottoms out, infrastructure crumbles, food shortages abound, the murder rate soars and civil unrest simmers, Ecuador is quietly rising to lead the charge against U.S. interests in Latin America.

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Dropping Oil Prices Reveal Failed Economic Policies in Latin America

The price of Brent crude oil has declined from a high of over $140 per barrel to under $60 a barrel as of the latest date.

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Obama Rolls Dice With American Lives Over GITMO Releases

Snake eyes, you die. Seven, eleven, you live. All other rolls of the dice are anybody’s guess.

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