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Opinion Editorials

Opinion: Will Gitmo become a terror base?

In the sleepy town of Manta, along Ecuador’s remote Pacific Coast, business is good. For narco-terrorists, that is.

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Liberals wrong to fund radical Palestinian agency

Bravo to the Trudeau Liberals for supporting Tony Clement and Michelle Rempel’s opposition motion to condemn the ‘Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions’ (BDS) movement against Israel.

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Opinion: Nisman’s death raises alarm about Iran’s influence in Latin America

Many are not aware of Iran's presence and penetration in Latin America.

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Ukraine Can’t Prosper While It’s Still Corrupt

Infrastructure is crumbling, buildings are dilapidated and old Soviet-style jalopies carefully navigate pothole-strewn streets.

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The Beginning of the End for Venezuela’s Al Capone

An economy crippled by inefficiency and streets flooded with crime have long marred Caracas and the rest of Venezuela.

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Iran’s Invisible Shadow in a Prosecutor’s Death

President Obama was clear in his message to Congress during this week’s State of the Union.

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The “New Normal” in Cuba, U.S. and China Relations

President Obama announced plans to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, ending over fifty years of official non-recognition.

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Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Joseph Humire es Director del Center for a Secure Free Society de Washington DC, consultado por Fabiana Suárez, de radio Fisherton CNN.

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