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Opinion Editorials

China Should Look to the “Pacific Pumas”

The world has grown accustomed to a booming China for so long that the latest signs of a weakened economy are causing serious concerns.

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Harper gets it right on Iran

Can Iran really be a global partner in peace? U.S. President Barack Obama seems to think so

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General Fan Visits Havana

Gen. Fan Changlong, flew directly to Havana, Cuba, the first Chinese official of such high rank to travel to the island since Cuba and the United States began talks to normalize relations.

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Push for united North America

Before he retired, Gen. David Petraeus was the head of the CIA and a former top commander for the U.S. military in the Middle East.

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Homegrown terror questions deserve answer

There are an estimated 20,000 foreigners, including Canadians and Americans, fighting alongside the barbaric cult known as the Islamic State or ISIS.

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16 years later, ‘Paz Para Vieques’ still teaches powerful lesson

Sunday, April 19th marks the 16th anniversary of the training accident that sparked our Navy’s worst defeat since Pearl Harbor.

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Obama’s Wrong: Cuba Belongs on the Terrorism List

Havana’s eventual removal from the government’s list of states that sponsor terrorism became a fait accompli.

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Watch Correa, not Castro at Americas summit: Column

As three dozen world leaders meet in Panama, for the 7th Summit of the Americas, conventional wisdom is to watch Barack Obama and Raul Castro.

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