Global Network
The seminal feature of SFS is our global network of next-generation security leaders. The network is composed of scholars, academics, investigative journalists, and those who have served in defense, foreign policy, law enforcement and intelligence communities worldwide. These leaders are dedicated to the advancement of free societies through the nexus of national security, economic and political freedom.
Leaders and Training
SFS selects these leaders for their focus and expertise of certain risks and threats posed to free societies as well as the need to explore and develop new ways of addressing the challenges.
SFS provides training to actual and potential leaders on the concepts of asymmetric warfare, economic warfare, cyber security, information operations and other critical skills needed to be a national security leader in the 21st century. Our week-long workshops are based on a combination of lived experience and applying new theoretical and conceptual models to address a variety of security challenges worldwide.
SFS also connects these leaders with each other across boundaries and regions through workshops, regional meetings and other networking opportunities.