Venezuela’s Leaders and the Chinese Trough

China’s President Xi Jinping has made a major commitment to eradicating corruption in the country’s government and state-owned enterprises.  Those who analyze Mr. Xi’s policies argue that he sees corruption as

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Venezuela Has Earned Her Stripes as a National Security Threat

On March 9, 2015, the White House declared a “national emergency” in Venezuela, affirming that the Chavistas pose an “unusual and extraordinary” threat to US national security and foreign policy. Many a

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The Beginning of the End for Venezuela’s Al Capone

An economy crippled by inefficiency and streets flooded with crime have long marred Caracas and the rest of Venezuela. Over the years, corruption has paved the way for organized crime to overrun the Bolivarian Republic,

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As Venezuela sinks, Ecuador rises as chief anti-Yankee antagonist

While Venezuela sinks as the oil market bottoms out, infrastructure crumbles, food shortages abound, the murder rate soars and civil unrest simmers, Ecuador is quietly rising to lead the charge against U.S. interests in

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Canada On Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security Threat of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba

Canada On Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security Threat of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba

On June 4, 2014, the Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS), a DC-based, national security think tank established in 2012, released its first major policy report: “Canada On Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security T

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HUMIRE: Iran propping up Venezuela’s repressive militias

HUMIRE: Iran propping up Venezuela’s repressive militias

The death of 22-year-old Venezuelan student Genesis Carmona at the hands of armed pro-government civilian militias, called “colectivos,” bears a striking resemblance to the death of Neda Agha-Soltan, the Iranian stud

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Iran propping up Venezuela’s repressive militias

The death of 22-year-old Venezuelan student Genesis Carmona at the hands of armed pro-government civilian militias, called “colectivos,” bears a striking resemblance to the death of Neda Agha-Soltan, the Iranian s

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Venezuela’s Lawlessness Fueling Protests

When British citizen, Thomas Henry Berry and his ex-wife, Monica Spear, travelled to Venezuela for a vacation early in the new year, they hoped to spend time enjoying the beautiful sights and sunsets of Spear's distant h

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