Las fuerzas que operan detrás del poder en Venezuela

   Joseph Humire joins NTN24 and Mariano de Alba to discuss and debate Russia and its influence in Venezuela (Joseph Humire habla con NTN24 y Mariano de Alba para debatir sobre Rusia y su influencia en Venezue

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Situation Report: Crisis in Venezuela

Situation Report: Crisis in Venezuela

August 2017 -- Venezuela has started to garner international attention as the country's political situation continues to deteriorate, shining a spotlight on the oft-neglected country and its internal unrest.The U.S

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Hezbollah and Venezuela ties?

Joseph Humire joins the Newsmakers at TRT World to discuss Hezbollah and its links to the Latin American country.

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HUMIRE: As Venezuela Inches Toward Syria-Style War, U.S. Weapons Are Not the Answer

For months the protests in Venezuela have been escalating and, last week, The Miami Herald revealed an audio recording suggesting that military snipers could be used against the Venezuelan protesters. The implications

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Things Fall Apart in Venezuela, With Repercussions Felt in China

As Venezuela sinks into turmoil and destitution, there are signs it may all end with a thunderous bang and not a whimper. Venezuela, China’s largest client in Latin America, could become the continent’s Syria or Nort

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Las sanciones que enfrenta el vicepresidente de Venezuela

Joseph Humire joins Fernando del Rincón on his CNÑ program Conclusiones to talk about Venezuela. (Joseph Humire habla con Fernando del Rincón en Conclusiones sobre Venezuela, el vicepresidente, y pasaportes). Ve el v

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Narcoterrorismo en Venezuela?

Joseph Humire joins El Venezolano TV to discuss recent activities in Venezuela (Joseph Humire habla con El Venezolano TV sobre Venezuela).

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A day after DEA indicts a Venezuelan general, President Maduro appoints him to cabinet

Caracas, Venezuela –  On Monday, the U.S. Justice Department announced the indictment of two high-ranking members of Venezuela’s military, Maj. Gen. Néstor Reverol and his deputy Edylberto Jose Molina, both of whom

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