Venezuela, Hezbollah, and Tareck El Aissami

Joseph Humire, who specializes on Iran and Hezbollah activities in Latin America, joined Friday’s Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel to discuss the deteriorating security and political c

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Venezuela Could Become Another Syria

Venezuela Could Become Another Syria

In the wake of SFS's trip to Peru to attend a co-sponsored event with the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, J.D. Gordon speaks to Peru21 in an interview about the similarities between Venezuela and Syria. Read the full

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Conference: The Crisis in Venezuela & The Summit of the Americas

Conference: The Crisis in Venezuela & The Summit of the Americas

Just ahead of the SFS and USIL co-sponsored event, came a piece by La República detailing the agenda: The conference titled, "La crisis de Venezuela y la Cumbre de las Américas," will entail presentations by Executive

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The US and Colombia aren’t planning a military intervention in Venezuela, but is Maduro?

In an op-ed piece for CNN in Español, Joseph Humire discusses the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. He asks, what if the strategic objective isn't to produce internal chaos, but to provoke an external conflict? What role d

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Venezuela, the Syria of America

Venezuela, the Syria of America

  Joseph Humire Joins Factor Global to discuss the danger of Venezuela's deteriorating situation and its implications for the region. The humanitarian situation in Venezuela demands attention and action, but how?

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Iran, Russia, and China’s Central Role in the Venezuela Crisis

Iran, Russia, and China’s Central Role in the Venezuela Crisis

In the wake of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's first visit to Latin America, where China and Russia were both mentioned, Joseph Humire remarks on these external influences within the country. In an article for

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Joseph Humire discusses Venezuela’s local elections

In a recent interview with CGTN, Joseph Humire explains how the elections process in Venezuela is more complicated than what is apparent at first glance citing an increasingly restless population refusing to vote out of

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Venezuela Aiding ‘Clandestine Jihadist Network’ Tied to Hezbollah

Venezuela is often covered in the news- the humanitarian situation there is commonly talked about, but what is not being talked about is "the growing Islamic terrorist threat stemming from Latin America [which is] contin

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