El Súper Facilitador de Irán, Turquía y Venezuela: Quién es Alex Saab?

El Súper Facilitador de Irán, Turquía y Venezuela: Quién es Alex Saab?

El 12 de junio, Alex Nain Saab Morán, un empresario colombiano de ascendencia libanesa, fue arrestado en el Aeropuerto Internacional Amílcar Cabral en Cabo Verde. Este fue un gran golpe para las redes ilícitas del rÃ

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Venezuela’s major money-launderer, Alex Saab, is arrested at Cape Verde airport

Venezuela’s major money-launderer, Alex Saab, is arrested at Cape Verde airport

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Iran, Turkey, and Venezuela’s Super Facilitator: Who is Alex Saab?

Iran, Turkey, and Venezuela’s Super Facilitator: Who is Alex Saab?

On June 12, Alex Nain Saab Morán, a Colombian businessman of Lebanese descent, was arrested at Amílcar Cabral International airport in Cape Verde. This was a huge blow to the Maduro regime’s illicit networks, as Saa

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More Alberto Nisman mysteries, John Bolton, and the stalled Venezuelan rebellion

More Alberto Nisman mysteries, John Bolton, and the stalled Venezuelan rebellion

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Colombia hit by the virus; Venezuela hit by the Maduro regime

Colombia hit by the virus; Venezuela hit by the Maduro regime

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Narco-terror state Venezuela becomes a colony of Tehran and Moscow

Narco-terror state Venezuela becomes a colony of Tehran and Moscow

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Failed Venezuela conquered by Iran’s five oil tankers and Oil Minister El Aissami

Failed Venezuela conquered by Iran’s five oil tankers and Oil Minister El Aissami

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Venezuela blames the US for a failed mercenary raid by ex-Green Berets

Venezuela blames the US for a failed mercenary raid by ex-Green Berets

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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