U.S. weakness breeds global instability

In a recent interview, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld suggested that U.S. weakness is fueling instability around the world. How true. We can see the proof unfolding before our eyes. Russia has seized Ukraine

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Which Path for China in Latin America’s Development?

Politically and economically, Latin America is a continent divided in two, with one bloc of nations pursuing market-driven economic growth, free trade and regional integration based on economies of scale and another made

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China Comes to the Caribbean

Since China’s emergence on the global scene the pursuit of its strategic goals has led to speculation, especially concerning how and why it exercises its growing financial and economic power.  Its ability to promo

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Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

By Mary O'Grady In the years after a brutal 10-year Soviet occupation, Afghanistan became a petri dish in which a culture of organized crime, radical politics and religious fundamentalism festered—and where Osama bin L

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Freedom Is Not Free: How Should Think Tanks Address The National Security Question?

The unhindered movement of money, goods and people are essential aspects of economic freedom. These same freedoms, however, can be used for violent purposes by national or international aggressors. The same freedom that

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Is Iran Killing the U.S. With Kindness?

Obama shouldn't be fooled by the Iranian president's charm offensive One negotiating tactic for prying desired results from important yet reluctant people is the time-tested principle of "killing them with kindness." Cha

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Good Money After Bad

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro recently returned from Beijing with a $5 billion line of credit from the China Development Bank (CDB).  This comes at a very difficult time for Maduro, whose regime’s suppo

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Is the China-Latin American Fiesta Over?

The recent deceleration in China’s economic growth rate has sent waves of speculation among many commentators.  Most recently, concern is being voiced that China’s slowdown will have a negative impact on Latin Ameri

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