Las FARC, en la misma senda que el grupo terrorista Hezbollah

El experto en seguridad global Joseph Humire alertó en Infobae TV sobre el futuro de Colombia si la guerrilla logra consolidarse en el terreno político. "No dejarán las armas ni el narcotráfico", afirmó El experto

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Rising tensions between Israel and Hamas

Rising tensions between Israel and Hamas

JD Gordon, retired Navy Commander and executive director of Protect America Today, discussed that and unrest in Venezuela with Capital Insider.

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Chicago-style politics wreaks havoc from Washington to Quito

What would President Abraham Lincoln say? If it isn’t bad enough that four of the last seven former Illinois governors were jailed for assorted crimes of corruption, racketeering and bribery, now the Land of Lincoln ha

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The Swap is a Dream Come True for the Taliban

Was the Bowe Bergdahl swap a good idea? For the Taliban, it’s a dream come true. For the United States, a nightmare. An American president knowingly released five of his nation’s highest ranking enemies in return fo

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Book Review: Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America

Book Review: Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America

This dispassionate analysis of Iranian involvement in Latin America is an ambitious and successful attempt to persuade readers of the profound national security implications of Iran’s growing influence in that region.

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Cuba and the China Model

Since coming to power, Cuba’s President Raúl Castro unleashed a series of important, albeit limited, economic reforms to revitalize the stagnant Cuban economy.  Many analysts use the shorthand “Chinese model” to

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The Toll of China’s Slowdown Depends on Latin America’s Policy Choices

The earthquake recently shaking the coast of Chile left relatively little physical damage in that nation but as always with cataclysmic episodes the psychological effects last long after the earth ceases to tremble.  On

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Russian Missiles Positioned In Caracas Are Ominous Sign Repression Will Worsen

Three U.S. diplomats, the Panamanian mission, and even CNN Español, have recently been expelled from Venezuela under the pretext of “foreign intervention” in the Bolivarian Republic. Straight from the playbook of th

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