Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Joseph Humire es Director del Center for a Secure Free Society de Washington DC, consultado por Fabiana Suárez, de radio  Fisherton CNN acerca de la visión de los Estados Unidos por el caso “Nisman”  expr

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The “New Normal” in Cuba, U.S. and China Relations

In December 2013, President Obama announced plans to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, ending over fifty years of official non-recognition. The decision does not lift the decades-long economic embargo, which only

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Dropping Oil Prices Reveal Failed Economic Policies in Latin America

As the global price of oil drops, the effects of this phenomenon are unveiling the failure of Latin America’s populist governments to generate sustainable prosperity while depending on oil-for-loans schemes, mainly wi

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Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

The case of Venezuelan political leader Leopoldo López, in jail without a sentence since February 18, 2014, seems so clear, that the inability to secure his release, is a testimony to the sad state of democracy in sever

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Does China Own Ecuador?

Is the Ecuadoran government of Rafael Correa a wholly owned subsidiary of China? The more analysts look at the finances of the Andean nation of 15.6 million, the more it seems that the Correa government is selling the c

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Obama’s global retreat leads to Gangsta’s Paradise in Latin America

With world leaders back in New York this week for the UN General Assembly, most of the attention was focused on Russia’s power grab in Ukraine and the so-called Islamic State’s march through Syria and Iraq. Yet as ne

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Promoting Prosperity or Populism?

The establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB) announced at the recent summit of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the Contingent Reserve Agreement (CRA) to assist members facing financ

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Is Ecuador Waging A Stealth War On America?

Without firing a shot, Ecuador’s populist President Rafael Correa appears to be waging a stealth war on America. In recent weeks the Justice Department revealed Quito’s whopping $6.4 million foreign government lobby

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