Cuba claims to control crypto

Cuba claims to control crypto

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire discusses critical issues affecting the security, economics, and geopolitics of the Western Hemi

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Colombia sags under narco-terrorism, Maduro and overwhelming migrant numbers

Colombia sags under narco-terrorism, Maduro and overwhelming migrant numbers

CCo-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire discusses critical issues affecting the security, economics, and geopolitics of the Western Hemisphere, oth

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Russia Shouts Out Managua, Havana and Caracas as Allies

Russia Shouts Out Managua, Havana and Caracas as Allies

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical issues affecting t

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Maduro demands that the US lift sanctions

Maduro demands that the US lift sanctions

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Iran Fans Out in Latin America

Iran Fans Out in Latin America

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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A New Era for Iran’s Ambitions in the Western Hemisphere

Two Iranian warships recently steamed around the southern tip of Africa into the Atlantic, most likely en route to Venezuela. The story is one that has largely been ignored by both the media and the White Hous

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VRIC MONITOR No. 22 | All eyes on Peru and Colombia

VRIC MONITOR No. 22 | All eyes on Peru and Colombia

OVERVIEW   Whether it’s the flared tensions between Israel and Hamas, or the current crisis and social unrest in Colombia, it is increasingly clear that democracies worldwide are under assault by brutal disi

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Asalto asimétrico a Colombia

Asalto asimétrico a Colombia

El 28 de abril estallaron en Colombia, protestas luego que el presidente Iván Duque introdujera una reforma tributaria, que afectaría a una población ya cansada por la pandemia. Cuatro días después, el gobierno

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