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Chávez was the first to use drug trafficking to finance his regime

Leonardo Coutinho, investigadora internacional de Brasil del Centro para una Sociedad Libre y Segura, hizo un recorrido por la seguridad en Latinoamérica en donde identificó al régimen de Nicolás Maduro como promoto

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Why would a war in Venezuela benefit Russia and Iran?

On March 26, 2019, the regional news network NTN24 interviewed SFS Executive Director Joseph M. Humire in their studio in Bogota, Colombia. The half-hour interview, conducted by popular TV host Idania Chirinos on her

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Venezuelan Refugee Crisis

Joseph Humire joins Stefan Molyneux on Freedomain Radio to discuss a wide range of security and foreign policy issues including: DACA Venezuela The dangers surrounding the refugee crisis Hezbollah's presence i

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Iran’s tightening grip on Latin America

Joseph Humire joins Daniel Horowitz on the Conservative Conscience to talk about Hezbollah's strategic engagement in Latin America. Not only is Hezbollah involved in illicit trafficking and production in the region, but

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Venezuela, Hezbollah, and Tareck El Aissami

Joseph Humire, who specializes on Iran and Hezbollah activities in Latin America, joined Friday’s Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel to discuss the deteriorating security and political c

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Venezuela Could Become Another Syria

Venezuela Could Become Another Syria

In the wake of SFS's trip to Peru to attend a co-sponsored event with the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, J.D. Gordon speaks to Peru21 in an interview about the similarities between Venezuela and Syria. Read the full

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Conference: The Crisis in Venezuela & The Summit of the Americas

Conference: The Crisis in Venezuela & The Summit of the Americas

Just ahead of the SFS and USIL co-sponsored event, came a piece by La República detailing the agenda: The conference titled, "La crisis de Venezuela y la Cumbre de las Américas," will entail presentations by Executive

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The truth about mafias and criminals in Miraflores

Joseph Humire joins Carla Angola with EV TV to discuss Hezbollah in Venezuela. This interview details the permissive atmosphere in the country and how Hezbollah has been able to take hold and use the country as a safe ha

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