United States Will Permit the Use of 3D Printed Guns
Joseph Humire joins the news station program "La Mañana de NTN24" to discuss gun control, 3D printed guns, and the implications of legalizing 3D printed guns in the United States. (Interview conducted in Spanish) &nbs
Continue readingGran Colombia Reborn?
Joseph Humire joins Ezra Levant on The Rebel Media to discuss Venezuela and its long-term goals in the region. Venezuelan military plans outline the Bolivarian Revolution's end goal: an enlarged state in the region that
Continue readingTransnational terrorism in Latin America?
Joseph Humire joins VOA Noticias to discuss transnational crime in Latin America. He notes that a challenge for the region will be to create and enforce new laws that combat this international crime, as laws in Latin Ame
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Joseph Humire habla de la gira del VP Pence an Latinoamérica
Joseph Humire aparece en Poder Latino de NTN24 para discutir la gira del VP en Latinoamérica. [caption id="attachment_2300" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Foto: Poder Latino/NTN24[/caption] Vea el video en NTN24.
Continue readingLas FARC, en la misma senda que el grupo terrorista Hezbollah
El experto en seguridad global Joseph Humire alertó en Infobae TV sobre el futuro de Colombia si la guerrilla logra consolidarse en el terreno político. "No dejarán las armas ni el narcotráfico", afirmó El experto
Continue readingJoseph Humire on Colombia’s elections
Joseph Humire on Colombia's Presidential elections.
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