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AMIA 25th Anniversary: Improving Regional Counterterrorism Cooperation in the Wake of a Tragedy

AMIA 25th Anniversary: Improving Regional Counterterrorism Cooperation in the Wake of a Tragedy

On Thursday, July 25, 2019, the Center for a Secure Free Society held an event entitled, “AMIA 25th Anniversary: Improving Regional Counterterrorism Cooperation in the Wake of a Tragedy” from 9:00am to 12:00pm in th

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The VRIC: Tracing the Roots of Venezuela, Russia, Iran & China Security & Intelligence Cooperation

The VRIC: Tracing the Roots of Venezuela, Russia, Iran & China Security & Intelligence Cooperation

Though the BRIC economies have largely come and gone from international headlines, perhaps a similar sounding, yet more threatening alliance is emerging as a distant cousin. The VRIC: Venezuela, Russia, I

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Central American Caravans: Are These a Threat to US Border Security?

Central American Caravans: Are These a Threat to US Border Security?

On Tuesday, February 12, 2019, the Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS) hosted an expert panel to discuss the recent caravan phenomenon, titled Central American Caravans: Are these a threat to US border security? The

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Venezuela’s Mounting Refugee Crisis

Venezuela’s Mounting Refugee Crisis

Most recently on Capitol Hill, the Center for a Secure Free Society held a panel discussion on the mounting refugee crisis in Venezuela on Wednesday, June 27th. Our panel speakers included, Col. Preston McLaughlin, USMC

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The Crime-Terror Convergence: Countering Hezbollah’s Growing Empire in Latin America

The Crime-Terror Convergence: Countering Hezbollah’s Growing Empire in Latin America

In recent years, Hezbollah has developed a significant presence in Latin America. Its continued terrorist activity and expanding financial empire, built on drug trafficking and money laundering, is becoming a growing U.

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Hidden Dragon: China’s Stealthy Rise in Latin America

Hidden Dragon: China’s Stealthy Rise in Latin America

On Tuesday, February 27th, the Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS) hosted an expert panel to discuss Chinese activity in Latin America, titled Hidden Dragon: China’s Stealthy Rise in Latin

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Latin American Terror Trials

Latin American Terror Trials

In the past couple of years, the threat of Islamist terror has grown throughout the Western Hemisphere, with operatives from Hezbollah, the Islamic State and other global terror organizations expanding their reach beyon

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North Korea-Iran Nexus: Can their Nuclear Ambitions be Stopped?

North Korea-Iran Nexus: Can their Nuclear Ambitions be Stopped?

On Tuesday, May 16th, 2017, the Center for a Secure Free Society hosted a Washington, D.C. roundtable discussion on a most timely subject: “The North Korea-Iran Nexus: Can their nuclear ambitions be stopped?” Fo

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