Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

The case of Venezuelan political leader Leopoldo López, in jail without a sentence since February 18, 2014, seems so clear, that the inability to secure his release, is a testimony to the sad state of democracy in sever

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Canada On Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security Threat of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba

Canada On Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security Threat of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba

On June 4, 2014, the Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS), a DC-based, national security think tank established in 2012, released its first major policy report: “Canada On Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security T

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Iran propping up Venezuela’s repressive militias

The death of 22-year-old Venezuelan student Genesis Carmona at the hands of armed pro-government civilian militias, called “colectivos,” bears a striking resemblance to the death of Neda Agha-Soltan, the Iranian s

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HUMIRE: Iran propping up Venezuela’s repressive militias

HUMIRE: Iran propping up Venezuela’s repressive militias

The death of 22-year-old Venezuelan student Genesis Carmona at the hands of armed pro-government civilian militias, called “colectivos,” bears a striking resemblance to the death of Neda Agha-Soltan, the Iranian stud

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Venezuela’s Lawlessness Fueling Protests

When British citizen, Thomas Henry Berry and his ex-wife, Monica Spear, travelled to Venezuela for a vacation early in the new year, they hoped to spend time enjoying the beautiful sights and sunsets of Spear's distant h

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Student Dies in Crackdown on Venezuela Opposition

On the morning of February 12, Bassil Alejandro Da Costa left a message for his mother informing her he would be participating in a nationwide student protest for liberty in Caracas, Venezuela. By the end of the day, 24-

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Good Money After Bad

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro recently returned from Beijing with a $5 billion line of credit from the China Development Bank (CDB).  This comes at a very difficult time for Maduro, whose regime’s suppo

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5 Ways to Invest in Venezuelan Freedom

Latin America is seldom in the U.S. news these days. The announcement of Hugo Chávez’s death has been an exception, with TV news networks devoting days to the coverage and analysis. The upcoming April 14th president

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