El Súper Facilitador de Irán, Turquía y Venezuela: Quién es Alex Saab?

El Súper Facilitador de Irán, Turquía y Venezuela: Quién es Alex Saab?

El 12 de junio, Alex Nain Saab Morán, un empresario colombiano de ascendencia libanesa, fue arrestado en el Aeropuerto Internacional Amílcar Cabral en Cabo Verde. Este fue un gran golpe para las redes ilícitas del rÃ

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Iran, Turkey, and Venezuela’s Super Facilitator: Who is Alex Saab?

Iran, Turkey, and Venezuela’s Super Facilitator: Who is Alex Saab?

On June 12, Alex Nain Saab Morán, a Colombian businessman of Lebanese descent, was arrested at Amílcar Cabral International airport in Cape Verde. This was a huge blow to the Maduro regime’s illicit networks, as Saa

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VRIC MONITOR No. 13 | The “Bolivarian Fury” Arrives in the U.S.

VRIC MONITOR No. 13 | The “Bolivarian Fury” Arrives in the U.S.

Disclaimer: The VRIC Monitor does source a limited amount of media reports from state-owned or -controlled media outlets from VRIC nations. These media reports are carefully selected and solely intended to report on

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VRIC MONITOR No. 12 | Iran comes out of the Shadows in Venezuela

VRIC MONITOR No. 12 | Iran comes out of the Shadows in Venezuela

Disclaimer: The VRIC Monitor does source a limited amount of media reports from state-owned or -controlled media outlets from VRIC nations. These media reports are carefully selected and solely intended to report on

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The Dangers of Venezuelan Disinformation Campaigns in the Era of COVID-19

Transregional Threats Journal Texas Series • Volume 1 • Issue 1 The Dangers of Venezuelan Disinformation Campaigns in the Era of COVID-19 Said the famous Chinese General Sun Tzu, “Foreknow

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VRIC MONITOR No. 11 Special Edition | Combatting COVID-19 propaganda in Latin America

VRIC MONITOR No. 11 Special Edition | Combatting COVID-19 propaganda in Latin America

This special edition of the VRIC Monitor sources more media reports than usual from state-owned or -controlled media outlets of VRIC nations. This was done to highlight the messaging and propaganda from VRIC nations as

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VRIC MONITOR No. 10 | “Maximum Pressure March” against Maduro regime in Venezuela

VRIC MONITOR No. 10 | “Maximum Pressure March” against Maduro regime in Venezuela

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from the Center for a Secure Free Society tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. VRIC stands for Venezuela, Russia, Iran, China where Venezuela rep

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VRIC MONITOR No. 09 | U.S. and Colombia highlight the terrorist threat from Venezuela at regional counterterrorism summit

VRIC MONITOR No. 09 | U.S. and Colombia highlight the terrorist threat from Venezuela at regional counterterrorism summit

The VRIC Monitor is a one-of-a-kind, monthly report from the Center for a Secure Free Society tracking extra-regional influence in Latin America. VRIC stands for Venezuela, Russia, Iran, China where Venezuela rep

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