The Beginning of the End for Venezuela’s Al Capone

An economy crippled by inefficiency and streets flooded with crime have long marred Caracas and the rest of Venezuela. Over the years, corruption has paved the way for organized crime to overrun the Bolivarian Republic,

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Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Vimos como Nisman se acercaba cada vez más …

Joseph Humire es Director del Center for a Secure Free Society de Washington DC, consultado por Fabiana Suárez, de radio  Fisherton CNN acerca de la visión de los Estados Unidos por el caso “Nisman”  expr

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The “New Normal” in Cuba, U.S. and China Relations

In December 2013, President Obama announced plans to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, ending over fifty years of official non-recognition. The decision does not lift the decades-long economic embargo, which only

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As Venezuela sinks, Ecuador rises as chief anti-Yankee antagonist

While Venezuela sinks as the oil market bottoms out, infrastructure crumbles, food shortages abound, the murder rate soars and civil unrest simmers, Ecuador is quietly rising to lead the charge against U.S. interests in

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Dropping Oil Prices Reveal Failed Economic Policies in Latin America

As the global price of oil drops, the effects of this phenomenon are unveiling the failure of Latin America’s populist governments to generate sustainable prosperity while depending on oil-for-loans schemes, mainly wi

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Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

The case of Venezuelan political leader Leopoldo López, in jail without a sentence since February 18, 2014, seems so clear, that the inability to secure his release, is a testimony to the sad state of democracy in sever

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Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America

Joseph Humire discussed the book he edited entitled "Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America" at The Institute of World Politics on November 5, 2014.

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Does China Own Ecuador?

Is the Ecuadoran government of Rafael Correa a wholly owned subsidiary of China? The more analysts look at the finances of the Andean nation of 15.6 million, the more it seems that the Correa government is selling the c

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