Venezuela Has Earned Her Stripes as a National Security Threat

On March 9, 2015, the White House declared a “national emergency” in Venezuela, affirming that the Chavistas pose an “unusual and extraordinary” threat to US national security and foreign policy. Many a

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Is It Time to Rebalance China’s Latin American Portfolio?

China’s Prime Minister Li Keqiang recently told delegates at the National People’s Congress the country’s economy would grow at about 7 percent this year. The projection reflects a slowdown as China works to consol

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America’s Time for Atonement

Tense relations between the White House and Congress aren’t unusual, and certainly not new. Yet over the past month they’ve hit lows not seen since President Clinton’s impeachment trial. Are co

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Troubling truths about Castro’s Cuba

Canadians love Cuba. We travel there in droves. We enjoy their beaches, their cigars and the historic sites and sounds of Havana. Some Canadians even revel in the lack of Americans at Cuban resorts, and laud our ability

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Subcommittee Hearing: The President’s New Cuba Policy and U.S. National Security

Subcommittee Hearing: The President’s New Cuba Policy and U.S. National Security

Fernando Menéndez Senior Fellow, Center for a Secure Free Society Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere February 26, 2015 “The President’s New Cuba Policy and U.S. National Secu

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Opinion: Will Gitmo become a terror base?

In the sleepy town of Manta, along Ecuador’s remote Pacific Coast, business is good. For narco-terrorists, that is. Ironically, just six years ago, it was the U.S.-Ecuador joint hub of counter-narcotic operations, res

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Joseph Humire: Losing Argentina – Outlook for U.S. National Security

Joseph Humire: Losing Argentina – Outlook for U.S. National Security

SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire presented "Losing Argentina- Outlook for U.S. National Security" at the Center for Security Policy's National Security Group Lunch on Capitol Hill on Thursday, February 19, 2015

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Opinion: Nisman’s death raises alarm about Iran’s influence in Latin America

"I can end up dead because of this" were the words of the late Alberto Nisman, Argentina's top prosecutor in the historic AMIA case. Tragically, his words became prophetic when he was found slain in the bathroom of his

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