Iran Taking Over Latin America

Iran Taking Over Latin America

During the last couple months, Iran and Saudi Arabia have been playing a political tug of war over Latin America. On November 10, 2015, Iran's deputy foreign minister held a private meeting with ambassadors from nine Lat

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Bogus passports create refugee challenge

One of the suicide bombers who blew himself up outside a soccer stadium in Paris was in possession of a Syrian passport. Reports indicate that the passport was not his own, and yet, officials don’t know why the terrori

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Venezuela’s Leaders and the Chinese Trough

China’s President Xi Jinping has made a major commitment to eradicating corruption in the country’s government and state-owned enterprises.  Those who analyze Mr. Xi’s policies argue that he sees corruption as

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Anti-Dollar Alliance: Russia, China & Ecuador Advance Against the Global Dominance of the U.S. Dollar

Anti-Dollar Alliance: Russia, China & Ecuador Advance Against the Global Dominance of the U.S. Dollar

SFS Policy Report No. 2 -- Anti-Dollar Alliance: Russia, China & Ecuador advance against the global dominance of the U.S. dollar addresses an emerging global alliance that is working to undermine the international m

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General Fan Visits Havana

After concluding a five day visit to the United States, Gen. Fan Changlong, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, flew directly to Havana, Cuba, the first Chinese official of such high rank to travel to the i

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Reconceptualizing Security in the Americas in the 21st Century

Reconceptualizing Security in the Americas in the 21st Century

SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire was recently published for his chapter in the book Reconceptualizing Security in the Americas in the 21st Century (Lexington Books, 2014). Humire's chapter, Venezuela: Trends in Organ

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Obama’s Wrong: Cuba Belongs on the Terrorism List

After US President Barack Obama made his announcement regarding the new US policy on Cuba late last year, Havana’s eventual removal from the government’s list of states that sponsor terrorism became a fait accompli.

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Watch Correa, not Castro at Americas summit: Column

As three dozen world leaders meet in Panama, April 10 to 11 for the 7th Summit of the Americas, conventional wisdom is to watch Barack Obama and Raul Castro. After all, this is Cuba's first attendanc

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