Joseph Humire on What’s at stake for Central America

Joseph Humire speaks at the Heritage Foundation about insecurity in Honduras and upcoming elections.  

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Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

Bolivia Descends Into Rogue State Status

By Mary O'Grady In the years after a brutal 10-year Soviet occupation, Afghanistan became a petri dish in which a culture of organized crime, radical politics and religious fundamentalism festered—and where Osama bin L

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Good Money After Bad

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro recently returned from Beijing with a $5 billion line of credit from the China Development Bank (CDB).  This comes at a very difficult time for Maduro, whose regime’s suppo

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Is the China-Latin American Fiesta Over?

The recent deceleration in China’s economic growth rate has sent waves of speculation among many commentators.  Most recently, concern is being voiced that China’s slowdown will have a negative impact on Latin Ameri

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Crackdown on Afro-Cubans destroys myth of racial equality

OSLO, Norway - At the time of Fidel Castro’s takeover of Cuba in 1959, “separate but equal” was the norm in much of the Western world. Castro won plaudits from early supporters for banning the practice of separate

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La Argentina está sometida a los intereses de Irán

En los últimos años, Irán ha logrado avances diplomáticos y de cooperación en más de la mitad de los países en América Latina, y tiene una presencia asimétrica en la otra mitad, incluyendo poco a poco en su ár

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5 Ways to Invest in Venezuelan Freedom

Latin America is seldom in the U.S. news these days. The announcement of Hugo Chávez’s death has been an exception, with TV news networks devoting days to the coverage and analysis. The upcoming April 14th president

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The War of All the People: The Nexus of Latin American Radicalism and Middle Eastern Terrorism

The War of All the People: The Nexus of Latin American Radicalism and Middle Eastern Terrorism

The War of All the People elucidates the ideological and political war against the United States, capitalism, and the widely accepted tenets of modernity. Spearheading this war are Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Mah

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