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Las sanciones que enfrenta el vicepresidente de Venezuela

Joseph Humire joins Fernando del Rincón on his CNÑ program Conclusiones to talk about Venezuela. (Joseph Humire habla con Fernando del Rincón en Conclusiones sobre Venezuela, el vicepresidente, y pasaportes). Ve el v

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Narcoterrorismo en Venezuela?

Joseph Humire joins El Venezolano TV to discuss recent activities in Venezuela (Joseph Humire habla con El Venezolano TV sobre Venezuela).

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J.D. Gordon Talks about Russia

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Fernando Menendez on the legacy of Fidel Castro

Fernando Menéndez visits CCTV to discuss the leader's lasting impact.

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Terrorismo y Elecciones en los EE.UU

Joseph Humire joins Poder Latino to discuss terrorism and the elections in the United States (Joseph Humire habla con Poder Latino sobre terrorismo y elecciones en los EE.UU).

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The 9/11 of South America: Looking back at the AMIA bombing of 1994

Joseph Humire talks on The Rebel about the AMIA attack in Argentina.

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Foro Interamericano: Masacre en Orlando

Joseph Humire joins VOA Noticias to talk about the latest terrorist incidents.

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Joseph Humire on Peru election

Joseph Humire meets with CCTV to discuss the Latin American country's elections.  

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