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Similitudes entre FARC y Hezbollah

Joseph Humire joins Infobae to discuss the two different terrorist groups (Joseph Humire habla con Infobae sobre los dos grupos de terorrismo).

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Las FARC, en la misma senda que el grupo terrorista Hezbollah

El experto en seguridad global Joseph Humire alertó en Infobae TV sobre el futuro de Colombia si la guerrilla logra consolidarse en el terreno político. "No dejarán las armas ni el narcotráfico", afirmó El experto

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Rising tensions between Israel and Hamas

Rising tensions between Israel and Hamas

JD Gordon, retired Navy Commander and executive director of Protect America Today, discussed that and unrest in Venezuela with Capital Insider.

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Joseph Humire discusses Iraq on Foro Interamericano

Joseph Humire sits down with Patricia Dalmasy to discuss President Obama sending troops to Iraq.

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JD Gordon on Obama’s military options

JD Gordon discusses options for US military action in Iraq.

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JD Gordon on Bowe Bergdahl and his release

JD Gordon talks with Fox News' Leah Gabrielle about Bergdahl's reintegration to the US. Starts at 1:54.

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Joseph Humire talks about the G-77 Summit

Joseph Humire speaks to CCTV America on the G-77 Summit and the negotiations that took place in Bolivia.

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JD Gordon: Islamist threat causing regional instability in Iraq

JD Gordon joins Laura Ingle to weigh in on the situation in Iraq. Watch the latest video at

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