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J.D. Gordon: Obama’s Gitmo Policy ‘Will Kill More Americans’

President Barack Obama is on mission to close Guantanamo Bay no matter how dangerous the prisoners housed there may be, former Pentagon spokesman J.D. Gordon said Thursday on "America’s Forum" on Newsmax TV. "Over the

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Joseph Humire of Center for a Free Society discusses next steps in US-Cuba ties

CCTV America interviewed Joseph Humire about what's next for Cuba and the United States.

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Experto en seguridad global detalla en NTN24 las posibles causas del secuestro en Sídney, Australia

  • SFS Team
  • 12/15/2014

En NTN24, Joseph Humire, experto en seguridad global aseguró que existen muchos países tienen falencia en el marco legal, que al no contar con una la legislación anti terrorismo hacen que los casos no paren. Mencionó

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Irán en América Latina: ¿interés comercial o comparten enemigo común?

La discusión con Joseph Humire del Center for a Secure Free Society.

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Does US need to revamp ISIS military strategy?

JD Gordon on the fight against the terror group

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J.D. Gordon: Obama Wants To Close Guantanamo To Free Detainees

Former Pentagon spokesman J.D. Gordon accused President Barack Obama of planning to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay so detainees could be returned to the United States and eventually be freed. "He knows that if he cl

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J.D. Gordon talks about GITMO ISIS fighters

Protect America Today Executive Director, and former Pentagon Spokesman, J.D. Gordon, discusses GITMO ISIS fighters.

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“Canadá no tiene la suficiente capacidad de inteligencia”: Joseph Humire

  • SFS Team
  • 10/23/2014

En entrevista con El Informativo de NTN24, Joseph Humire, experto en seguridad global y director ejecutivo del Centro para una Sociedad Libre y Segura, habló sobre las investigaciones que adelantan las autoridades canad

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