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J.D. Gordon: Tapes Show Libya Is Clinton’s ‘WMD Moment’

The recently revealed secret recordings of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s son and top Pentagon officials in the lead-up to U.S. intervention in Libya’s 2011 civil war clearly show that the Defense Department

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U.S. releases known terrorist

J.D. Gordon joins Jerry Agar to explain the details behind America's release of a known terrorist.

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J.D. Gordon talks about GITMO costs

Protect America Today Executive Director, and former Pentagon Spokesman, J.D. Gordon, discusses GITMO costs.

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What Does the U.S. Want?

Fernando Menéndez visits CTV to discuss US relations with Cuba.

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Joseph Humire on US-Cuba Relations

CCTV America interviewed Joseph Humire about what the new U.S. guidelines on Cuba will mean for U.S. citizens.

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